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The Korg Volca Mix is a four-channel analog mixer designed for a live performance setup combining multiple volca units. The mixer offers two mono channels, a stereo channel, plus aux send and return functions for incorporating external effects. Each channel offers a hi-/lo-cut filter allowing you to contour the sounds of each device to create a polished mix. Additionally, the unit offers master effects including an analog stereo width expander and an analog dynamic range compressor with sidechain capabilities.
Inputs and outputs are made via 1/8" connectors including a dedicated headphone output and a sync output, which allows the Volca Mix to be used as a master sync generator to the connected volcas in the setup. A built-in stereo speaker is provided for portable performances. The Volca Mix can power up to three volca units and ships with a power supply, three audio cables, and three DC-to-DC volca power cables.
Compact multi-function, four-channel mixer
Volume faders and lo-/hi-cut filter for professional-quality performances
Output and monitor capabilities for use on stage, plus stereo speakers for maximum portability
Powerful effects and control
Master chain lets you control dynamics
Send out and auxiliary in for connecting external effects
Sync function that can act as the master of a live setup
Unlocks even more potential out of the volca series
DC out can supply power for up to three volca units
Includes AC adapter, DC-to-DC cables, and audio cables