Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 (Upgrade from Cubase LE 12-14)
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1165,99 zł
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Cubase Pro 14 offers the industry-leading digital audio workstation for professional music creators, from renowned Hollywood composers to top-chart producers and beyond. Designed for exceptional versatility, Cubase Pro delivers premium features, including unlimited tracks, Dolby Atmos support, and advanced editing tools like AudioWarp and VariAudio. With an extensive library of VST instruments and a reimagined Score Editor powered by Dorico technology, this powerhouse software allows users to produce, mix, and master tracks with unmatched quality and flexibility. Whether it’s lush orchestral arrangements or cutting-edge electronic beats, Cubase Pro empowers you to shape your sound and make it truly unique.
Advanced Editing Tools
Refine your music with precision using the Event Volume Curves, Phase-coherent AudioWarp, and enhanced Range tool. Cubase Pro’s intuitive editing tools make it easy to optimise your sound, streamline your workflow, and explore limitless creative possibilities.
Immersive Sound Design
Cubase Pro offers a new level of sound design with Modulators, the Pattern Sequencer, and the advanced Drum Track. Create rhythmic textures, unique soundscapes, and atmospheric ambiences, all seamlessly integrated into your production process to inspire creativity.
Next-Level Mixing and Control
Experience complete mixing control with the Pro-exclusive Control Room feature and enhanced MixConsole. Dolby Atmos support and multi-channel routing options provide industry-leading sound engineering capabilities, allowing precise adjustments for top-quality production.
Dolby Atmos Integration: Seamless Dolby Atmos support brings cinematic sound quality to your music production.
Score Editor Revamp: The new Dorico-powered Score Editor provides a superior notation experience, perfect for film and orchestration.
Rock-Solid Performance: Optimised stability ensures smooth performance, even on large projects with multiple tracks.